Sunday, June 19, 2005

The first step, no shortcuts, learn to lose money first

Many would be mrket wizards set out with too high expectations. They want to become the wizard overnight They want success NOW, want to make a great living trading. The reality is that trading is a multi-step process and success comes from painstaking hard work through all the steps. In reverse the steps are:

Making a great living
Making a good living
Making a living
Making a profit
Breaking even
Make smaller losses
Make losses (tuition money)
Making big loses (possibly wiping out whole accounts)
Testing the trading plan
Creating the trading plan
Knowing oneself

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Build solid foundations before you begin daytrading

Just as a good foundation is essential to skyscrapers like the Empire State building, the Sears Towers or the Petronas Twin Towers, a solid foundation will stand anyone aspiring to become daytraders or traders. A trader's education is obtained via various means, books, seminars where you can learn from the wizards, the web (free resources) or engage a trading mentor,. The ultimate teacher though will be the market itself, where the initial losses (which are inevitable) are the fees paid for the ultimate learning experience of real time trading.

I found that a few books can lay this foundation.

  1. Street Smarts by Linda B Raschke and Larry Connors
  2. Day Trader's Course by Lewis Borsellino
  3. The Symmetry Wave Trading Method by Michael Gur